Summer is quickly approaching its peak. This is means that the days are longer, and most of all – hotter. You may notice PSAs from time to time trying to make people aware of the dangers of [...]
No one had to tell you that your pooch is one of the most important aspects of your life. Showing limitless enthusiasm and an undying loyalty towards you is what makes your dog (and dogs in [...]
So you’re thinking about getting a puppy? Get ready for a brave new world of discovery, cuteness, angst, and friendship that is perfectly captured in the latest viral sensation from [...]
We’ve all heard that dogs are naturally social creatures. That’s why many pet owners are concerned with the way dogs interact with other dogs and other people. Socialization is an important part [...]
Let’s be honest, dogs are awesome, but cleaning dog hair is one of the most annoying aspects of being an owner. For all the hours you;ve spent behind the controls of a space-age vacuum cleaner, [...]
We’ve all heard the classic “Lean on Me”, by Bill Withers. It’s a call to be friend to someone who needs it the most. What better friend is there than the unconditional love and affection shown [...]
From books and TV shows, to the silver screen, these famous fictional dogs will always be loved by generations young and old. Did your favorite dog make the list? Clifford A 25-foot dog. [...]
It’s that time again, an occasion that is just as bad, if not worse than bath time. It’s grooming day. There’s your little pawed-pal all covered with mats and curls and all sorts of debris on [...]