So one day we had this really cool thought. What would it be like to see the world from a dogs perspective? What does our doggie daycare look like through the eyes of our beloved four-legged friends? We’ve dedicated the last few years to making the daycare and boarding experience the best that we can for our dogs. Now we have a way to see exactly what it is that they’re seeing!
Have you heard about these cool devices called GoPro Camera’s? Their amazingly small, light, and virtually indestructible! You can take them with you underwater, jump out of a plane or run them over with your truck and they wont break! Well, they might actually break when run over, but they’re the perfect cameras for our crazy idea!
Doggie GoPro Time!
In the video below, we filmed May June while she filmed our Schertz facility with her GoPro camera. We were very proud of how well she did on the day of shooting. We also managed to let Paco have a turn with the camera outside for an action shot!
This video is meant to give you a glimpse into the day in the life of a dog at Pawderosa Ranch Schertz, and give us a look at our facility from the perspective of the animals to which it matters most. We’re dedicated to constantly improving our facilities for the happiness and well-being of our guests.