Congratulations on the arrival of your new puppy! Welcoming home a new puppy is such an exciting time full of love and new adventures, however, it is also a learning process for both that can [...]
It’s that special time of year again! No matter how you celebrate this holiday season, you and your pup are bound to be changing the routine. These changes can be exciting and sometimes stressful [...]
DR. FRETORRY ROGERS AND HIS VET TEAM SAVE ENGLISH BULLDOG DYING FROM HEAT STROKE It was a rescue that defies medical logic. And, it serves as a serious warning to all Texas pet owners. On a [...]
We’ve all heard that dogs are naturally social creatures. That’s why many pet owners are concerned with the way dogs interact with other dogs and other people. Socialization is an important part [...]
Something strange has been going on with your dog. You’ve been noticing that every time they lay down, they don’t stop biting their leg. You don’t think much of it, until one morning you notice a [...]
The usual process… “Come here sweetheart, it’s oookk….come on out. Please??” After 30 minutes of searching, pleading, and negotiating you finally get them to come out, but only to be tasked with [...]
While your kids may be sad that summer vacation has come to an end, your dog may be even sadder. All summer long he had a companion around the house to give him attention and love. Now that the [...]