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 In Celebrations

After my rest, I hear my coaches talking about the afternoon and I see them filling out paperwork. They are always writing about me and my pup pals. When I notice them working on my report card, I always make sure to be on my best behavior because my mom and dad read them every day. While they work on all that human stuff, Jake and I get to solve 2 treat puzzles. My personal favorite is the spinning bone puzzle because all three layers have yummy treats! 

Scout's doggy dayMy coaches then told me that today I get to meet a new fur-end named Fredric. Fredric is a Cocker Spaniel, so I guess we are sorta related since I am a Spaniel too!

When I meet new pups, both of us have to be on leash at first. The coaches walk us together around the play yards to see how we like each other. I gave my coach the nub wagging signal that Fredric is a good boy so she unleashed me to check out Fredric on my own as she watched. Fredric really liked me too so I got to show him around the Wild West. I showed him the best tree to spot squirrels, the swimming pools, the play castle, and the a-frame! Fredric checked out the a-frame from the ground. I told him we would work on learning how to climb up and down it. My coaches decided that since Fredric did such a great job with me that he can join me for my play group. 

Zoey, Milo, and Raider all got to meet Fredric the same way I did- one at a time while on leash. Fredric did a great job and got to stay out for my afternoon group time. My fur-ends and I gathered on the a-frame to hear about the afternoon activities. My coach is always creating new games so even through the activity is still Ranch Day, she loves to keep us guessing and change it up. For example, this afternoon Raider and I got to search for a different scent than we did in the morning and Milo and Zoey mastered army crawling through both tractor tires. It was a full nose and body workout kinda day! 

After playing, I was walked back to catch up with my brother Jake and we hung out until it was his turn to play. Jake and I have a lot of the same pup pals, but also some different ones. Today all of Jakes fur-ends are also mine so my coach asked if I wanted to come out with Jake during his group time too. I, of course, was happy to crash that pawty and I got to show Jake where I found the scent tube earlier in the day. 

The coach from my one-on-one playtime then came to get me for my pawdicure. My mom likes my nails to stay nice and short. My coach uses a weird spinning thing that makes a buzzing noise to do my nails. It doesn’t hurt one bit but just feels a little funny. After, my coach took Jake and I into the Buckaroo play yard for a potty break before pick up time!


I always know when pick up time is about to happen because all my fur-ends like to guess whose pup-parents have pulled up based on the sound of their cars. Jake can always guess mom’s car before I can so I know that when his ears go up, it is time for me to head out for the day! 

A coach comes to get us and we hurry to go see our mom. She is always standing outside waiting to greet us. My coach tells me bye and that she will see me tomorrow! Our mom likes to read our report cards and we talk about our day all the way home. 

Thanks for reading about my day at Pawderosa Ranch! Hope to see you soon!

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