Hello my name is Brandon,
I joined the Pawderosa team about five months ago as an Enrichment Specialist and have loved every day so far! I graduated from Cameron University in 2017 with a degree in Psychology and after seeing first hand how much a dog’s love can change a person’s life, I knew I wanted to work with dogs! While in college, I lived in an apartment with my roommates two pit bulls and my cat Viktor. It was a great learning experience to say the least and I learned a lot about animal behavior. I have lived around dogs my entire life and I love getting to know each dog’s unique personality! I love working here at the Ranch and have learned so much in my short time here! In the future, I would like to use my experience here to help train service dogs and Emotional Support Animals to enrich people’s lives!

What’s your favorite time of the year at the ranch?
The summer time is my favorite time of the year at the ranch because I love seeing the dogs soaking up the sun and splashing around in the pools to stay cool!
Tell me about your pets at home?
I currently have a 3 year old cat named Viktor who has lived with dogs his entire life and loves playing with them! Viktor enjoys bird watching and likes to watch the clouds roll by when hes not taking cat naps. I will be moving into a bigger apartment soon and am looking forward to adding a puppy pal to the family!
What’s your favorite thing about the Ranch?
My favorite thing about the ranch is all of the unique personalities and great atmosphere! (dogs and staff included). Every day is a new adventure and there is always a positive vibe in the building. Everybody here loves the dogs like they are family and it’s so rewarding to see all of the doggies happy and wagging their tails! And of course all of the hugs and kisses we get from the pooches!

At Pawderosa Ranch we welcome all dogs to come play and stay with us! Each rancher is cared for by a specialized staff who understand the benefits of dog daycare and lodging and who are passionate about making Pawderosa Ranch the best dog boarding in San Antonio. We can’t wait to see your pup!
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